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What is a queqe data structure? Illustrate with a diagram and write the algorithm for inserting data into a circular queue.

A queue is a linear data structure that follows the FIFO (First In First Out) …

The JSSC JIIOCE (Jharkhand Information and Interpreters Officers Competitive Examination) syllabus for the Information Technology (IT) stream

The JSSC JIIOCE (Jharkhand Information and Interpreters Officers Competitive E…

DSA Module-5 full syllabus

Hashing techniques, Hash function, Address calculation techniques- common hash…

DSA Module-4 full syllabus

Graph Algorithms: Graphs and their Representations, Graph Traversal Techniques…

DSA Module-2 full syllabus

Abstract Data Types (ADTs) Stack: Push; Pop, stack representation using array …

DSA Module-1 full syllabus

Basic concepts and notations: Data structures and data structure operations, C…

Oops Module-3 full syllabus

Applets: Basics, Architecture, Skeleton, The HTML APPLET Tag, Passing Paramete…

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