Basic concepts and notations: Data structures and data structure operations, Complexity
Analysis: Mathematical notation and functions, algorithmic complexity and time space
trade off, Big O Notation, The best, average & worst cases analysis of various
algorithms. Arrays: Linear & Multidimensional Arrays, Representation & traversal.
Sorting algorithms: Bubble sort, Selection sort, Insertion sort, Merge sort and Quick
sort, Counting Sort. Linear search and Binary search on sorted arrays.
here are the steps in a numbered list format:
1. Basic concepts and notations:
1. Data structures and data structure operations
2. Complexity Analysis: Mathematical notation and functions
3. Algorithmic complexity and time space trade-off
4. Big O Notation
5. The best, average & worst cases analysis of various algorithms
2. Arrays:
1. Linear & Multidimensional Arrays
2. Representation & Traversal
3. Sorting algorithms:
1. Bubble sort
2. Selection sort
3. Insertion sort
4. Merge sort
5. Quick sort
6. Counting Sort
4. Linear search and Binary search on sorted arrays.
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