HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language and it is the standard language for creating web pages and web applications. HTML describes the structure and content of a web page using tags and attributes. Tags are keywords enclosed in angle brackets (< and >) that define how the content should be displayed or formatted. Attributes are additional information that modify the behavior or appearance of a tag.

For example, this is a simple HTML document:

<title>My First Web Page</title>
<h1>Hello, World!</h1>
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>
<a href="">This is a link to Bing.</a>

The <html> tag defines the whole document as an HTML document. The <head> tag contains information about the document, such as the <title> tag that defines the title of the web page. The <body> tag contains the main content of the web page, such as headings (<h1>), paragraphs (<p>), and links (<a>). The href attribute specifies the URL of the link.

To start HTML coding, you need a text editor and a web browser. A text editor is a program that allows you to write and edit plain text files. You can use any text editor you like, such as Notepad, Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code, etc. A web browser is a program that allows you to view and interact with web pages. You can use any web browser you like, such as Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.

To create an HTML file, open your text editor and type some HTML code. Save the file with a .html extension, such as index.html. To view your HTML file, open your web browser and navigate to the location of your file. You can also drag and drop your file into your browser window. You should see your web page displayed according to your HTML code.

You can also use online tools such as CodePen or JSFiddle to write and run HTML code without installing anything on your computer. These tools allow you to see the output of your code instantly and share it with others.

HTML is a very easy and powerful language to learn and use. With HTML, you can create beautiful and functional web pages for various purposes. To learn more about HTML, you can visit websites such as W3Schools or MDN Web Docs that provide tutorials and references on HTML and other web technologies.

What is HTML
HTML is the standard markup language for creating Web pages. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is the "hidden" code  that help us communication with other on the world wide web (WWW)  . When writing HTML , you add "tags" to the text  in order to create the structure. These tags tell the browser how to display the text or graphic in
the documents. For example, the following documents has a simple layout structure.HTML was created by Tim Berners-Lee in 1991. The first ever version of HTML was HTML 1.0, but the first standard version was HTML 2.0, published in 1999.

HTML Version Year
HTML 1.0    1991
HTML 2.0    1995
HTML 3.2    1997
HTML 4.01  1999
XHTML         2000
HTML 5        2014

 HTML  is not a programming language

HTML  Hyper Text Mark-up Language

HYPER - It  means a link, which lets you go from one webpage to another.
TEXT - Something that you write.
MARK-UP- How you'll lay down the text.
LANGUAGE- Because they needed
Something to complete the world.

HTML is the a language for specifying how text and graphics  appear on web page. When you visit a website (example-- your web browser retrieves the HTML web page and renders it. 

The HTML page is actually stored on the computer that is hosting the web site and the page is sent to your browser. To see what HTML look like go to your web browser view menu and select View Source

How do I start HTML coding?

HTML is a textual language that includes special markup tags such as:-

<title> indicoderz </title>

The <title>... </title> tags specifies a title for the web page 
HTML code is stored in a simple text file that has either a .htm or .html filename extension (example-- shop.html)
Create your first Web page

Create your first web page

Step 1. open Text editor 

Step 2.



<title>this is my first web page</title>



Hello world . i am indicoderz



Step 3. Save the documents as: firstpage.html

Your file can be saved as either an htm or html file. Remember to save your documents on the computer in a place that you find it again

Step 4. To preview your new document,open newspaper navigator. On the tool bar (located up near the top of the browser). 
Select file menu. 
Select open page. 
A dialogue box appears. Select Choose File
Go to where you saved your file, click on it. This will bring you back to the dialogue box, which should now be showing your file. 
Click Open

Step5. If all went as planned, your file should look like in your browser. 
Now you have successfully completed your first web page. It
actually doesn't get any harder than this for your simple, everyday page.

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