What is c++ basics

C++ basics - The C programming language was developed at ATT Bell Laboratories in the early 1980s by Bjame Stroustrup. He found 'C' tacking for simulations and decided to extend the language by adding features from his favourite language, Simula 67. Simula 67 was one of the earliest object-oriented languages. Bjarne Stroustrup called it "C with Classes" originally. The name C (pronounced C ptus plus) was coined by Rick Mascitti where "++" is the C increment operator. Since its birth , Problems dealt with by C users and developed through discussions in ATT. is called c++ basics.

What is c++ basics

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C++ introduction notes

  • Compiled type language.
  • C++ is machine independent.
  • Speed execution are possible in C++.
  • Object oriented with support for classes and object. 
  • Support pointers that lead directly to memory access.
  • asses and object.
  • Case insensitive.
  • Used in many gaming applications.
  • Speed and Easiesless complex system.
  • C++ supports the object-oriented programming.
  • C++ save file . Cpp format

How many C++ opps are major pillar

How many C++ opps are major pillar

There are C++ oops four major pillar
  1. Inheritance
  2. Polymorphism
  3. Encapsulation
  4. Abstraction
  1. Inheritance- Inhentaice is the power of one class of things is to acquire power from another class.
  2. Polymorphism- Potymorphism is Ability to process a message or data in multiple forms. Different items according to valuable properties cannot be kept wet by different categories and have different reactions depending on each ingredient.
  3. Encapsulation- The wrapping up of data and operations functions (that operate on the data) inTo a single unit (called class) is known as Encapsulation.Encapsulation is a way implement data abstraction. Encapsulation hides the details of the implementation of an object .
  4. Abstraction- Abstraction refers to the act of representing essential features without including the background details or explainations.


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